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General Discussions / An Open Letter to Jehovah's Wi...
Last post by RR - May 02, 2024, 10:53 PM
"But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established" - Proverbs 4:18 (NWT)�

Let me ask you, when does light get brighter? Is there such a thing as old light? Well, the Watchtower thinks so, and not without reason. The Watchtower has, since the days of Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford made countless changes in doctrinal as well as organizational matters. And have attributed these changes to the bright light getting lighter and lighter (Prov. 4:18 NWT). The above quoted scripture is a verse often used by the Watchtower Society to prove or apologize for their doctrinal changes. It is their answer to the seldomly asked question; "Why are Jehovah's Witnesses constantly changing their teachings?" According to the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses legal corporation) when the light gets brighter, it simply means that there is a new understanding, more insight on a particular subject. The Society has in the past made adjustments in their teachings and have used this scripture to support their doing so. "The light is getting brighter" they say. "We have a better understanding", but is that the case?

We won't argue the point that in reading and studying the Scriptures, one can gain much insight. We certainly get a clearer understanding of the Scriptures as we carefully read a certain verse, chapter or book, and will gain a better understanding from some texts that we had not noticed before. However, The Bible assures us that God's Word does not change, neither does Jehovah God change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yet the Society with their flip/flop doctrines have made Jehovah a God of confusion rather than a God of order. Which is in fact contrary to the Holy Scriptures.

The apostle Paul stated in his first letter to the brethren in Colossae; "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace". (14:33 KJV) In actuality what the Society is saying is that God is not sure of himself or his Plan for mankind. How so? Take for example what was taught in regards to the Sodomites, would the Sodomites be resurrected? According to the Watchtower Society's founder and first president Pastor Charles Taze Russell, they would be resurrected (Zion's Watch Tower - July 1879 p. 8 ). He based his teaching regarding the Sodomites on the fact that their judgment (proving that their judgment is future) would be more tolerable (proving that others would also have a judgment in the future) than Tyre and Sidon, even though their judgment would be less tolerable. (Matt. 11:22-24) However in 1952 it was stated that the Sodomites would not be resurrected (Watchtower June 1st). This, according to the Society, is a form of the bright light getting lighter and lighter. They now have a better understanding of the Scriptures in regards the future of the Sodomites - they have none. Jehovah by use of his holy spirit has corrected their thinking, their views on this matter. Now they are on the path of righteousness. The views of 1879 is now considered old light, error. In 1965 the Watchtower of August 1 stated that the Sodomites would be resurrected. Now what? What was once considered old light is now new light! Is that possible? Was not the first view considered wrong? Had not Jehovah set them straight in 1952? After all Jehovah God is directing the Watchtower Society! Isn't he, or is he? (Watchtower, November 01, 1956; p. 370). How can old light now become new light? It can't! Either the first view was correct and man changed it because he understood it to be so, and Jehovah corrected him. Or the first view was wrong, Jehovah corrected it and man reverted back to the false concept. If the latter is the case than Jehovah is not directing his organization properly, is he? He needs to correct them if indeed they did revert back to error. And that's exactly what he did according to the Watchtower, for in the June 01, 1988 Watchtower, it states the Sodomites will not be resurrected. Yet since then, that view has been changed back and forth. Either Jehovah God is not directing the Watchtower or he needs to abandon this organization for a new one.

The Watchtower Society has been so bold as to state that they are "the only organization on earth that understands the "deeper things of God'! (Watchtower July 01, 1973; p. 402). How can that be, when they do not even understand the simple things of God? What the Witnesses are actually being taught is that Jehovah is not sure himself what the outcome of the Sodomites will be. Yet do not the Scriptures teach that Jehovah is all-knowing? (Rom 11: 33, 1 Cor. 2:7) Light advances, it does not change. Views change because they are not in harmony with the Scriptures. Views can change numerous times. One day a view may be in harmony with the Scriptures, the next day it may not be. The important thing to remember is that the Scriptures, God's Word is the same, it will never change.

To indicate that God's word does change is not in harmony with the Scriptures. Furthermore, to say that Jehovah is in charge of an organization that is difficult to keep track of is absurd! Jehovah's Witnesses are being misled. They are taught they have the Truth of the Scriptures. Yet how can that be when the very ones who are teaching them to understand the Scriptures are in the dark? Truly this is a case of the blind leading the blind. (Matt. 15:14)

The issue of the Sodomites is just one of hundreds of doctrinal and organizational changes the Society has gone through. Changes have been made in the teachings of the Ransom, Chronology, Baptism, Hell, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the New Covenant, Prophecies, Salvation and countless others. Can this be God's organization? God's only channel of communication? Hardly! The only "Light" the Witnesses are in dire need of is the "Light" of the Scriptures, the Truth concerning our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. For our Lord said: "I am the light of the world" - John 8:12. The Witnesses are quick to apply 2 Corinthians 4:4 to those outside of their organization, which states; "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." They do not realize that it can and does apply to them. Jehovah's Witnesses should be commended for their many accomplishments and for their high morals. But unbeknownst to them they are being misguided. Some testify that they are sincere, but the Scriptures, testify that they are sincerely wrong.